
Terms and Conditions

1. Training Schedule and Intimation: All training dates must be communicated to Right2Rise at least 45 days before the scheduled training. This advance notice is essential to ensure that all logistical, educational, and administrative preparations are adequately made. Any changes to the training schedule after this period will be subject to availability and may incur additional charges.

2. Participant Information and Profiles: A comprehensive list of participants, including their brief profiles, must be provided at least 30 days before the training date. This information helps tailor the training content to the specific needs of the participants and ensures that the training sessions are as effective and relevant as possible.

3. Pre-Training Engagement: Participants will be provided with pre-training material, including reading and video content, which is integral to their preparation for the training. This material will be circulated according to a pre-determined schedule, and participants are expected to engage with it at least 7 days before the scheduled training. The pre-training engagement is crucial for ensuring that participants have the foundational knowledge necessary for the training.

4. Pre-Training Evaluation: Participants must pass a pre-training evaluation based on the materials shared before the training. This evaluation is designed to assess their understanding of key concepts and ensure that they are adequately prepared for the training sessions. Failure to qualify in the pre-training evaluation may result in the participant being excluded from the training.

5. Training Materials: The pre-training materials will be provided in the form of reading and video content. These materials are carefully curated to align with the objectives of the training and to ensure that participants are well-prepared. It is the responsibility of the participants to thoroughly review these materials before the training.

6. Participant Replacement and Attendance: No last-minute replacements of participants will be allowed. Additionally, no participants, evaluators, or observers who are not listed and approved in advance will be permitted to attend the training. This rule ensures that the training environment remains controlled, focused, and effective for all participants.

7. Recording of Training Proceedings: The client is strictly prohibited from recording the training sessions, either through video or audio means. However, the trainer reserves the right to record parts of the training sessions and specific activities. These recordings may be used to meet the accreditation and certification requirements of various bodies such as ISO, IAO, QCI, and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (GoI).

8. Testimonials and Feedback: At the conclusion of the training, all participants are required to provide testimonials. These testimonials will be shared with clients to ensure transparency and to highlight the effectiveness of the training program. Participant feedback is also essential for the continuous improvement of our training services.

9. Training Attendance and Participation: Once the training has commenced, participants are not permitted to leave the session. In the event that a participant does leave, they will not be allowed to rejoin the session. This rule is in place to maintain the integrity of the training and to ensure that all participants receive the full benefit of the program.

10. Confidentiality and Handling of Documents: All compliance documents, BARC (Behavioral and Attitudinal Reinforcement Check), and other company-related documents, case studies, and inquiries must be handled with the utmost confidentiality. These materials are not to be taken off-site or shared without prior consent. Participants and clients are expected to respect the sensitive nature of these documents and ensure that they are securely maintained.

1800 +
Live Client
1000 k
Certified Professional
3000 k
Awareness Program
50 +
Course Available