Our Posh Training


At Right2Rise, we are committed to fostering safe and respectful workplace environments through our specialized POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) training programs. Our courses are designed to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge and tools necessary to prevent and address sexual harassment effectively, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and promoting a culture of respect.

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POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) training programs

Posh Big Boss

A Tailored program for the Bossess and management to understand the compliance and legal requirements and non-compliance repercussion.

Posh Jannoo

An awareness level program to understand the provisions of the Act and be aware of the elements of sexual harassment and what to do incase of sexual harassment is observed.

Posh Practitioner

This a program designed for to equip individuals & professionals on the detailed provisions of the act, its processess, complaint lodging & handling, option for available rights and duties under the act.

Posh Professional

This Course is designed to esure the maintenance of posh management system implemented in the organisation and measure it's effectiveness. This course also helps in identifying the POSH Climate of the organisation.

Posh Consultant

This Course enables a professiona to create, implement and maintain the POSH management system in client organisations act as IC External members and measure the complaince of the act at workplaces.

Posh Trainer

This a ToT for training and HR professionals to be able to conduct awareness level and IC member on investigation skills.

Posh IC Expert

This a specifically designed program for members of Internal Committee to skill them for the implmentation of the law, build systems to ensure compliance and create a safe workplace. It also skill IC memnber to be able to investigation complaints and take judicious decisions post the investigation that meets the lew's requirements.

Posh Audior

This Course is designed to esure the maintenance of posh management system implemented in the organisation and measure it's effectiveness. This course also helps in identifying the POSH Climate of the organisation.

1800 +
Live Client
1000 k
Certified Professional
3000 k
Awareness Program
50 +
Course Available

Connect with us Today +91 72080 17715